3rd Day

3 days left before our flight to Davao together with my cousin…

 ∧∧ ∩
⊂  ノ
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“When people are not ready to tell the truth, they lie. They lie to protect someone or something. Protecting is a good reason to lie, tama?”

-Krisnel (Karmic Hearts, Chapter 4: The Two Sides of Lie)

Routines can be really boring… unless adding something to it will make a spark!

I’m reading one of the books that I borrowed from my classmate (sorry if it took long before I can even read it).

Book title: Karmic Hearts
Author: Jhing Bautista


Karmina Joan made a wish on an old well on the night of Valentine’s. The next day, she found herself seeing red strings coming out of people’s fingers. And if that’s not freaky enough, some guy just randomly came up to her and introduced himself as Cupid.

Cupid instructed her to fill the jar he gave her with six pairs of connected hearts before the next Valentine’s Day. If she succeeds, she will return to normal and get her own connecting string back. But if she fails, she will take his place as a matchmaker… forever.

Will she succeed or will she set aside the task for her own feelings?

“Soul mates. Mr. Right. Sparks. Happy Endings. Destiny… they exist.”


End of the 3rd Day (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง

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